Full Adobe Suite design skills and good collaboration are a must to pull off a successful campaign.
Quarterly email to Commercial Real Estate clients
This quarterly email from the Commercial Real Estate division was designed to keep the client/rep relationship current and peak interest in new deals. It included current data on closings.
The Watson Civil Construction website was designed around alluring photographs taken at construction sites. Tone and content were discussed at length before a site-map was generated. This site was completed in WordPress.
Left; TIAA Retirement Advisors promo with two sets of dynamic content in green and red for testing purposes. Top Right; EverBank, Jaguars credit card promo. Bottom Right; Citi, Sony credit card promo.
Various promotional emails
Test results were not as we had expected with this direct mail cross-sell. When testing with image verses no image, there was no significant difference. Testing postcards with earnings shown had a little higher response rate than postcards without, but not significant.
Before & After
It's the best day in an in-house office when time allows for collaboration with a team to brainstorm solutions. The Balance Build rebrand challenge included updates to an existing campaign. The goal was to encourage customers to add money to their checking accounts to receive a cash bonus.
First, the cash bonus amount was moved to the top and made bolder. This allowed for the headline to be more clever.
The qualifying instructions for how to receive this bonus were originally more in legal terms. They were updated to include an easy-to-understand timeline. Working with the email code specialist, we animated the dot in the email timeline so that it moved vertically down the paragraph.
Originally the reward amounts were buried in a traditional table. An infographic was designed to relpace it, reflecting the deposit differences more visually to scale.
A short-fold was designed so that the bonus amount was seen upon exiting the envelope, before the direct mail piece was unfolded.
And finally, the original call-to-action was a click away on a landing page. The updated campaign gave clear instructions for how to get started right away, within the original piece. Then contact information or a landing page link were provided for more details. PDF